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  • Farm Fresh Organic Black Cardamom Whole

    4.00 out of 5
    14 39 

    Cinnamon roll is the dried inner stem bark. They are bushes. When the plants are two years of age they typically measure at about 2 meter in high and 8-12 cm at the base. It is at this stage they are ready for harvesting.

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  • Fresh Premium Quality Natural Cardamom (Elaichi)

    4.00 out of 5
    12 40 

    Commercial Clove is the air-dried unopened flower bud obtained from evergreen medium sized tree. The use of clove in whole or ground form is mainly for culinary purposes and as a flavoring agent in food industry.

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  • Product on sale

    Pure Organic Farm Fresh Whole Clove (Laung)

    4.00 out of 5
    15 29 

    Cinnamon roll is the dried inner stem bark. They are bushes. When the plants are two years of age they typically measure at about 2 meter in high and 8-12 cm at the base. It is at this stage they are ready for harvesting.

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